Thursday, October 6, 2011

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day January 2011

  There is a nice blanket of snow on the ground and none on the roads. That’s the way we like it in cold climate country. We know we are not going to see blooms when snow covers the ground so we plan for ways to have blooms in the house. I’ve got some hyacinths forcing and it’s about time for them to come out of the basement. They don’t have blooms now, but maybe in time for February’s Bloom Day.

  Happy Surprises
Then there are the blooms that you don’t expect, but surprise you. This frequently happens in the garden, so why not in the house, too? So I am pleased to report that my Thanksgiving cactus is reblooming.
How does this happen? This plant hangs in front of my not-very-insulated kitchen window. It set buds on the colder window side. When I see this, I turn the plant around so I will actually get to enjoy the flowers when they open. As it turns out, it bloomed just a bit after Thanksgiving this year.
Then we had a warm spell, when all the snow melted away. And then it got cold again. Apparently the warm spell was long enough that it tricked the Thanksgiving cactus into believing a whole cycle of seasons had passed, and the new cold spell encouraged it to set more buds. And I, the ever hopeful gardener, noticed there were more buds, and turned the pot around again.

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